Commonly asked Questions


Oracles, tarot cards, runes, bones, a scrying mirror or even a spirit board (ouija board), crystal ball or any divination tools for that matter, are to be used in such a manner in which to assist in educating you, for your highest good, with the evolution of your soul. The information of the story shared comes from your higher self, the Universe with the utmost respectful unconditional love, and is NOT set in "stone." 

Yes, it IS possible to "look deeper" with adding more cards, runes or whatever, to have further clarification IF you so chose to do so and "listen" to the wisdom of the story shared. You do have free will after all..... or so it has been said.  The story shared is saying IF you so chose to take such actions, or not, that are reflected within the divination tool, that is the probable outcome. 

YOU have the free will to change it if you want since now it has been brought into your awareness.


Fallacy #1 Tarot are Evil

Reading tarot is NOT evil and witchcraft. Sorry, nope. Nahhhaaa....No you will not go to hell. Keep in mind as it is important to remember, that tarot cards are not inherently religious, nor are they antireligious. After all, tarot readings have been taking place for many many centuries by many different societies and peoples. 

Usually they are used as a divination tool, as a conduit for spiritual energy, as like in a form of self-reflection, and for spiritual growth. How you use them is truly entirely up to you. Tarot readings are a fun and enlightening tool in which to gain insight into yourself and the world around you. They tell a story of your soul and heart as so you are able to evolve. Or not. Again, your choice. Your will. True, they may not be suitable for everyone hence it is important to consider your own spiritual beliefs, boundaries and practice.

Again, you are using your higher self, plus your intuitiveness which is guided by the Source, or God….whatever you call it….for your highest good. It IS divine. Now granted it is possible to use such tools incorrectly just like using any thing good can be bad. Like for instance, ice cream and root beer are fabulous in root beer floats, however drinking too many and eating a fried shrimp poboy, onion rings along with all that might not be a good thing for your tummy you know?

A good practice for seeking an intuitive tarot session is to vet any potential tarot readers and find out what kind of approach is taken with their readings before committing. Do they ask any questions up front (not a good indication if they do)? Do they say a prayer? How long have they been reading? Or any question you feel is appropriate. A reputable reader will be happy to answer any questions you may have about their methods and be more than willing to offer any clarity upfront as so that you feel comfortable moving forward with a reading session. 

Personally, I do not ask any questions other than your name and permission to read you. Actually, I request that not a thing is shared/said until after the session, only conformation of an acknowledgment as something was “hit on” during the session. Ultimately, it is up to you. Trust your gut instincts, trust your intuition and decide if that tarot reader is right for you. It isn’t one size fits all. We are all different frequencies hence we all do not resonate in harmony with each other, and that is alright.


Fallacy #2 It is easy to learn Tarot by yourself

Stepping into the vibrant world of Tarot is an exhilarating plunge into a realm of self-discovery and cosmic exploration! While you can certainly embark on this journey alone, let’s be clear—Tarot is as diverse as a box of crayons, with each reader infusing their unique perspective into the practice. Forget about rigid rules! Embrace Tarot as an exhilarating playground where the guidelines shine like stars, offering direction without constraining your creativity. Now, imagine collaborating with fellow seekers! Joining a community of enthusiastic like minded souls is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of insights, each one more enlightening than the last, supercharging your card-reading abilities. Observing how others interpret the cards alongside traditional meanings reveals hidden gems in a familiar landscape, highlighting the elegant simplicity of Tarot. That's why I wholeheartedly advocate for immersing yourself in courses like for example, my Essential Master Tarot and mini offerings of course! Then again, you don't have too. However when you do engage in such enriching experiences, it is usually crafted to instill confidence throughout your Tarot journey and establish a robust foundation, empowering you to navigate the Tarot realm with clarity and intuition. In this nurturing environment, any uncertainties will dissipate, transforming your adventure into not just an educational experience but an exhilarating thrill ride! So, seize your cards, embrace the excitement, and let them guide you toward a horizon filled with limitless possibilities!

Fallacy #3 You can not read intuitively if you do not "throw the book away"

By seeing how other people interpret readings along with the guided common belief associated with that card, you can see how super easy Tarot can be read. That’s why I personally suggest to take such courses like the ones I offer of my Essential Master Tarot and mini course. Such courses empower you while removing any doubt that might be there with providing a stronger foundation whereas you confidently deliver with intuitiveness and clarity. Making it super easy and fun. 

Fallacy #4 Professional Tarot readers do not require to learn more

Man oh man……this right here is BS for sure. Always keep an open mind and never stop learning. Period. I have been reading for about half a century now and I always discover something new.

There are many of my clients whom are Professional Readers who have taken my courses because they desire to expand their knowledge plus make their readings easier having more deeper clarity. No matter what practical experience and where they are within their knowledge, some readers just like to have the opinion of another reader. 

The differences between Psychics and Mediums 


Greetings my fellow cosmic adventurer! 

Thanks for being here with me as I guide you into the delightful world of intuition and cosmic curiosity!         You know, understanding the quirky differences between Psychics and Mediums is like finding a secret map to treasure island on this thrilling adventure! 

Now, don’t be fooled into thinking these two are just interchangeable puzzle pieces—oh no! Nope....     Each has its own sparkling charm that can sprinkle a little extra magic on your journey. 

You see from my perspective, Psychics are like the wise wizards of the mind, peeking into your higher self with a twinkle in their eye and a sprinkle of wisdom in their words. They are here to guide you with clarity, love, and grace as much as possible because evolution gets messy sometimes, hence, think of Psychics being like a lighthouse in a foggy sea of uncertainty soulshining bright. Can't always see them however know they are there.

And with fabulous mystical Mediums, they crank up their energy to connect beyond the veil, delivering messages from ancestors, spirit guides that can wrap you up in a warm, fuzzy blanket of comfort and closure. 

Now, when you are on the hunt for an intuitive tarot card reading or an oracle session, remember that your vibe with the reader is the golden ticket! 

Not every Psychic moonwalks into Medium territory, but all Mediums are indeed Psychic superheroes, showcasing a dazzling array of talents! 

Did you know that the term "psychic" made its grand debut somewhere between 1855 and 1860? It’s rooted in the Greek word psȳchikós, which means "of the soul." How cool is that? This connection to the soul is like a gentle nudge to remind us of our superhero potential for understanding and growth. 

While "psychic" and "medium" might sound like they belong in a mystical spellbook, they each have their own special roles to play in this enchanted tale. 

As an adjective, "psychic" dances around the realms of the mind and soul, encouraging us to unleash our inner strengths. It’s like a reminder that our thoughts and feelings are the paintbrushes that color our reality. 

Just picture it: choosing a regal purple for your room can inspire feelings of wisdom and royalty. And let’s not forget the fun of being "sensitive to non-physical influences"! It’s like opening a treasure chest filled with possibilities just waiting to be explored. Embrace the idea that you can harness these energies to sprinkle a little more joy into your life. With synonyms for psychic—like spiritual, supernatural, and metaphysical—think of the vast universe of experiences just waiting for you to dive in! 

So, when you think of a psychic, imagine someone who is finely tuned to the cosmic radio waves, just like Anastasia, Mystic of New Orleans, who has been embracing her psychic powers since she was a wee one. She’s a firm believer in the magic of good things on the horizon.

With this shared my intrepid explorer, embark on your journey with a heart full of curiosity and confidence. Venture into the enchanting realms of intuition, and let the insights that await you be your guiding stars. The universe is bursting with wonders, and your path is aglow with the dazzling potential you carry within! Why yes, yes indeed book now that session with Anastasia. 🌟✨

The differences between Mediums and Psychics cont'd part 2

What is a Medium?

Greetings once again, cosmic adventurer of the spiritual seas! Get ready to catch the wind in theses sails as we embark on another fantastical voyage through the magickal mystical worlds of Mediums and Psychics! 

Now, as I made mention above, you might think these two are like cookies and milk—perfectly paired and oh-so-similar—but hold your dunkin action there my friend....                                                                           They are actually like two dazzling flavors of ice cream, each with its own delightful twist that can spread joy into your life in the most unexpected ways.

In this segment of our magical menu are the marvelous mystical Mediums as mentioned above. Think of them as the ultimate spirit tour guides, raising their energetic antennas to connect with the other side of the cosmic curtain. The veil lifts whereas they are blessed, or cursed, with communications of that realm. Then again, come to think about it, Mediums are kinda like a friendly troll of the afterlife, serving up heartfelt messages from beyond the veil. Can you remember, imagine, once more getting a warm hug from Gramz, Pops or a playful wink from your beloved pup?—talk about soul food.

Mediums assist us with finding closure plus keep the love alive, legacy strong and healing be it redemption or just passing it forward from our ancestors. Mediums allow our connections to shine like glitter in the sun. 

Okay, we spoke about our dazzling Psychics in the other segment above. These intuitive sorcerers don’t just read tea leaves; they dive into a treasure chest of insights about everything, connecting you to your higher self. Think of Psychics kinda being like your personal GPS for life’s twisty-turny roads, guiding you through the maze of existence without needing to chat with spirits. 

Here is how to differentiate between the two...     Psychics usually offer little nuggets of wisdom: while Mediums have a sprinkle of psychic pixie dust, not all Psychics don the Medium cape. Mediums communicate with the dead. Psychics do not. So DO, tuck that fact away for your next trivia showdown.

When you are ready to dip your toes into a session with a Medium or join a séance, trust your gut like a wise old owl and choose someone who wraps you in cozy vibes and feeling safe. These sessions are like stepping into a mystical carnival, and you want a skilled Medium at the helm to ensure everyone has a blast including the ancestors. Mediums like Anastasia, Mystic of New Orleans treat the ancestors and spirits like VIP guests, allowing for connections that are both meaningful and respectful. 

Mediums possess the extraordinary knack for chatting with spirits, ancestors, pets, and guides, delivering messages that are laced with loving healing vibes all around. They are like the ultimate comfort food for your heart, easing the fear of death and supporting the grieving process. 

After all, love knows no bounds—not even the cosmic divide. Hence whether you are in search of the sage wisdom of a Psychic or the warm embrace of a Medium, you are making a courageous leap into the enchanting unknown so know whom you are holding the session, working with. 

Each experience is a magical stepping stone that will empower you, inspire growth, and light up your path like a disco ball at a fabulous party. Soulshine darlin' soulshine bright! Therefore lace up those adventure boots, strut boldly into this world of wonder, and let your spirit dance like nobody’s watching! 🎉✨

The differences between Mediums and Psychics cont'd part 3

What does it mean to be a Psychic Medium?

For many, the delightful art of communicating with ancestors and spirit guides, or dead..... it’s all about tapping into those unique special psychic powers, the intuition.  

Enter the Psychic Medium, a whimsical wizard of sorts, juggling a variety of roles like a circus performer. They are not just delivering messages from beyond the veil, however also tapping into ones higher self, soul deep providing priceless guidance for evolution, personal growth a like confetti at a parade. The results bringing heaps of comfort and insight to ones life.

Think of a Psychic Medium as your personal spiritual guide, assisting with non judgmental navigating of the pot holes of life. They assist with mending those heartstrings after a loss, and tackle any metaphysical hiccups that come your way. 

From where I stand, Psychic Mediums are like spiritual cheerleaders, assisting you to soulshine brighter than a disco ball at a Saturday night fever bar.

If you’re on the hunt to gaining some clarity on your current shenanigans, you typically consult a Psychic. However, hold your horses if you’re itching to connect with the spirit world—keep that mind wide open whereas then you ought to seek out a Psychic Medium. With a Psychic Medium one never knows which unexpected ghostly guest might pop in for a chat. Besides in keeping it real, it is a smart move to keep your expectations low before you dive into such sessions. 

Now, according to our trusty academic friend Merriam-Webster, a Medium is “a person through whom others seek to communicate with spirits of the dead.” Sounds all formal and spooky all at the same time, right? 

Hence you put the two together and you get a Psychic Medium. Like me, Anastasia.

It is said that Mediumship has a rich history tied to the Spiritualist Movement, which burst onto the scene in North America around 1848, especially in the bustling streets of New York and here in New Orleans. 

The word “Medium” comes from the Latin “medius,” meaning “middle”—a fitting title for someone who’s like a bridge between worlds. It made its English debut somewhere between 1575 and 1585, and you might also hear them referred to as Spiritualists, Clairvoyants, Mind Readers, or Fortune Tellers.  Sometimes I have been called a Spiritualist.

Again, as mentioned in the above segment, the main mission of a Medium is to communicate with those beyond the veil. On addition they perhaps assisting with a little closure and comfort to those feeling blue after losing a loved one, especially when it’s a surprise exit that leaves hearts heavy. 

Now, there’s a bit of a friendly debate about the difference between a Channeler and a Medium. While many use the terms like interchangeable puzzle pieces, just like Psychic and Medium as it gets even MORE confusing for sure. Some Mediums insist their craft is a specialized skill that takes serious training—like learning to juggle flaming torches. Indeed it is more challenging to learn and attain. And I DO concur with this. I also speak from personal experience.

To make it even more confusing, realize that there are two classifications of Mediumship. There is physical and mental. This distinction is especially clear in the realm of Physical Mediumship, while the lines blur a bit in Mental Mediumship. 

Most aspiring Mediums start with Mental Mediumship, unless they are feeling particularly adventurous and want to attempt and go for it with Physical Mediumship, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  I have to admit it doesn't matter which Mediumship method I use as I don't have a preference, however can say that Physical Mediumship can just pop up when touching things for me. This is and does get freaky  for me because it is unexpected. This is why I practice and is like my second nature to be mindful. 

Physical Mediumship is like entering a deep sleep, like at a low theta to low delta 4.89 to 3 Hz allowing the Medium to take a little vacation from their body while spirits come out to play. This can lead to all sorts of fun phenomena, including: 

 **Apportation:**                                                       Objects like flowers zipping between the spirit and physical realms—talk about floral delivery! - 

**Direct Voice:**                                                           Spirits chatting through electronic gadgets or even the Medium’s own voice—ghostly karaoke, anyone? 

**Ectoplasm:**                                                                   A gooey substance that oozes out, letting spirits show off their ghostly forms.

 -**Levitation:**                                                              Objects or even people floating around, proving spirits have some serious energy.

 **Materialization:**                                                       Spirits or objects popping up from the spirit world, ready for a high-five. 

**Rapping:**                                                                   Spirits making their presence known with some good old-fashioned knocks or taps—ghostly percussion. 

**Table Tipping:**                                                              A séance table doing a little dance to communicate with spirits—talk about a table with moves! 

 **Telekinesis:**                                                               The Medium using their mind to give objects a little nudge—who needs hands, right? 

Then comes the other method, Mental Mediumship. Mental Mediumship is the more common way of connecting, where the Medium receives messages from those who are beyond the veil. 

Mental Mediumship usually takes place while the Psychic Medium is in a light trance state, like at a low alpha 9.89 to 8.2 Hz n a slightly altered conscious state of mind but still keeping a handle on their physical body.  This practice is often linked with channeling, making it a delightful dance with the spirit world. It is what I often do. Let's connect....see what shakes out...

Hope this assisted with you having a better understanding of what it is that I do and how I can be of service for you. IF you have questions, send me a text or email from my Contact Anastasia page.

©Copyright 1974 - 2024 Mystic of New Orleans.

Photographs by Benjamin Simmons -- Breath Video, Stephen May -- Visagephoto, Pat O'Keefe -- Haunted Photography, Anastasia -- Crescent Star Rising Films, Elise Marie T., Logo by P. Emerson Williams, and updated by Es Oh All rights reserved.

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