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If you view Soul as one's essential self; one's innermost light and expression, do you not want to soulshine as bright as you can?
Do you not want to be as clear and authentic in who you are, and what you really value?
If your answer is yes, then keep reading. Spiritual Coaching is a holistic deeper understanding and awareness, about your authentic self which connects you to your “heart path”, your inner wisdom.
Spiritual Coaching provides opportunities for you to be more mindful, aware, as you learn more about how to speak your truth louder and live more fully what is life-affirming to you. However that looks, feels for you.
Along this journey as you trailblaze through these discoveries of a purposeful life-path of body, mind and spirit in abundant. Learn new strategies and maintain ones that serve you still. Let go experiencing healing with your authentic soul evolution while successfully creating your genuine happiness, passion, peace, or whatever life’s joys are in your everyday life, realizing, strongly supporting, achieving, maintaining, continually expanding on your hopes and dreams. That's Spiritual Coaching. Funny how sometimes Spiritual Coaches sometimes are also referred to as Mystics or Muses.
Anastasia is a stellar Spiritual Coach that produces successful results because of her keen quantum like insight, if you will, along with her leadership team mindset, and many unusual magical experiences in which to draw from. It is her way of life, naturally New Orleans. She is here to be of service. She is imperfectly perfect with twisted sense of humor. It is just who she is.
And always will be.
Some say Anastasia foremost is a Mystic because she walks, talks and works within the Spirit world, the elements of nature, with the dead and ancestors, Saints, Goddess, God, and most importantly, with your higher self when holding a session with you.
While Anastasia 's family humorously refers to her as a good Irish Catholic New Orleans Witch, it really is with her unconventional creative perspectives of how she "sees" combined with her education within Leadership and Management, Organizational Communications and the art of storytelling--filmmaking, that she is able to guide and empower you like that beacon of light coming from the lighthouse on the shoreline within the storm. She is NOT here to save you. However she will aide in uplifting your spirit and heart while empowering you to live your highest and greatest good.
Any which way you care to say it or label it, good Irish Catholic New Orleans Witch, Spiritualist, Spiritual Coach or Mystic....that's Anastasia.
Anastasia is a Master of Divinity with her energetic illuminating intuitive psychic medium readings. It is because of her astute intuition, deep knowledge in many different disciplines and philosophies. She brings out of the box thinking to a whole other level providing solutions, not just answers.
In addition, she is also a Non Denominational Minister. Anastasia is the "down-to-earth" or "go to" Spiritual Coach and Mystic that is sought out by many.
Doesn't matter from what walk of life, perspectives, or beliefs you have nor where you are in your life....
she meets you at your frequency whereas her guidance is always for the evolution and empowerment of your whole being.... your heart, spirit and soul.
IF you so chose to receive.
She is the kind of Spiritual Coach that walks beside you where you have her on speed dial, know she celebrates your wins with you as well as gets down and dirty with you too as your evolution takes quantum leaps of faith resulting in achieving the results YOU require for your continued success and desires.
Anastasia may use many different tools, and modalities of "the ways of the old sages." Nevertheless, she strongly believes the major keys with your evolution is in meditation and holding love in your whole being, being the "I AM", "I understand."
Her favorite tools are oracles cards, tarot cards and runes along with other natural elements like essential oils, herbs, candles, incense, gemstones, musical tones, and sound frequencies.
When working with Anastasia, she connects with you soul to soul with permission. Her higher self, spirit guides and ancestors connect with yours to assist with piloting you to your authentic soul's path and maintain it. Anastasia's intent and purpose is to be of service with assisting in your soul's evolution while providing you the utmost non judgmental, safe, loving and peaceful space in which you can be truly yourself.
It's really about empowering you with knowledge, changing up your energies as you confidently move forward. It's about your discoveries, your results of clarity and genuineness as you continue becoming even more illuminating than before. Like she says -- you "soulshine" and be love.
Soul Coach and Mystic of New Orleans Psychic Medium, Anastasia entered this life through the caul (also known as the veil ) being a breach birth. She was reared in the mystical city of New Orleans, however has traveled and lived across the world from Topanga Canyon, CA on the West Coast to Winter Park, FL on the East coast and as as far North as Brooklyn, NY plus as south as Pilottown, LA. She has even been across the pond to Italy, England, and Switzerland in naming a few places.
Her family has roots reaching back into the late 1700's here in the Bulbancha (New Orleans real name) with her father's side being a big part of establishing the port of Orleans.
With such a backdrop that is well known for being deeply steeped within culture and magic, New Orleans provided Anastasia with priceless opportunities in which to develop her abilities over the decades. New Orleans provided such diverse situations, lessons, experiences and guidance for her as an intuitive Psychic, as a Medium, as a Mother, Grandmother an just as a spiritual soul adding to her foundation as a Soul Coaching. She developed, refined, honed in and is now sharing these experiences, even if some are/were misadventures sometimes, for you benefit. She has no regrets because all these experiences are priceless.
And IF asked, she'd gladly assist YOU too, coming from a place of love. She believes in the magic of love, as that is where everyone belongs.
Anastasia's "abilities" called her.....not the other way around. Add in the fascination with the stars and planets, quantum science, music, art and storytelling....welllllll ......
her family had hoped in her youth with such a broad inquisitive nature, that she was going to "grow out of her creative eccentric ways" that ended up reflecting her abilities of the many different "clairs," of the mystical unknown.
That did not happen. Nope. Nhhhhh.... not a chance....
Her abilities only grew stronger even as Anastasia did her best to ignore them over the decades.
In turn this sometimes harshly created "learning curves" whereas she got the message, sometimes quickly and other times not so quickly. Learning that ignoring the signs, let along her "gifts" or abilities was and is not, a wise choice to make.
Even after college, Anastasia entered into the nonprofit and entertainment sectors for many decades to no avail. She got the message loud and clear that it was best to return to her spiritual roots during the early 2000's. This is when Anastasia had one of her many "aha moments" where it became blatantly clear she can better be of service being a Mystic, her true authentic witchy self, a "Keeper of the culture" and not necessarily the Executive Director of a nonprofit. That indeed, she was to protect, perpetuate and practice as well pass on, the knowledge of the culture and traditions using the art of storytelling as her main platform, keeping the old ways alive by sharing, teaching, and passing it forward is being of service.
It does not matter what method, modalities or tools Anastasia uses, whatever is chosen, is always in concert for your highest good. However, Anastasia does love using tarot cards, runes and her canon digital camera.
Anastasia is the Witch's Witch, the Shaman's Sage, the Mystic's Mystic, the Healers Wise One, the Psychic Medium's Oracle being highly sort after for assistance and advice throughout the decades. Some of her clients are renowned Musicians, Producers, Directors, Writers, Artist, to high profile CEO's, business professionals and political figures. She is known for her discretion, authenticity, straightforward nature.
Anastasia is humbly grateful to be able to be of service for/to you in finding solutions not just answers as so you can "soulshine" as she says.
Anastasia's passion and thirst for knowledge strongly supports and guides her to studying, practicing and even sometimes mentoring others on occasion.
Her zest for further insight of many cultures, sciences, arts, traditions, religions, philosophies, along with her discipline gained her a Minor in Religion and Philosophy with one of her undergrad degrees. She also holds a PhD in Divinity as well as another in Leadership and Management of Nonprofits. Anastasia is a Non Denominational Minister where she is able to officiate weddings, christenings and funerals.
When Anastasia provides intuitive psychic readings, mediumship, spiritual advice, soul coaching or energy work, or documenting, sharing your story, or whatever she might happen to be doing/sharing with you....
she usually sees a new perspective, and learns something new herself.
This just further supports why Anastasia strongly feels one ought not ever stop learning and there definitely something to quantum physics.
However the strongest energies there seems to be is LOVE. It is the key, being the strongest magic there is supporting the "I AM" "I understand" because she knows "I AM LOVE."
Copyright 1974 - 2024 Mystic of New Orleans.
Photographs by Benjamin Simmons -- Breath Video, Stephen May -- Visagephoto, Pat O'Keefe -- Haunted Photography, Anastasia -- Crescent Star Rising Films, Elise Marie T., Logo by P. Emerson Williams, and updated by Es Oh